Learn More About Our Special Needs Trust in Newton Heath, Manchester


About Us

Dimobi Childrens Disability Trust   works tirelessly to support the needs of children with disabilities.

Find out more about our organisation on the about us page.


Learning Disabilities

What is a learning disability? What is the difference between learning disability and “slow learning”? Find these explanations, and more.



Dimobi provides a wealth of information about autism. This includes early warning signals to help you identify the signs of autism early.



Dimobi Childrens Disability Trust is looking for individuals like you. Please consider volunteering your support, or making a donation.

About Us

Dimobi is a special needs and learning disability, autism provider based in Newton Heath, Manchester. It is our mission to help families accept and support children, young people and adults up to 25 years of age with learning disabilities and/or autism. On our website, you’ll find a wealth of information about our goals, values, mission, and what we do to help families  receive the support they need.

Aims and Objectives

To Equip Parents with the Extra Skills and Confidence Needed to Nurture and Develop Disabled Children

To Enable Disabled Children to Have a Happy Childhood

  • To Provide Parents with Support and Breaks from the Pressure of Caring for a Disabled Child
  • To Deliver Workshops on Harmful Cultural Practices that Affect the Well-Being of Disabled Children
  • To gather evidence that Dimobi and families have better access to Services
  • To gather evidence that Families and Communities have greater confidence in engaging
  • To improve the sharing of information and strategies needed to combat denial
  • To secure evidence that learning has informed practice
  • To influence the implementation of strategies for putting policy into practice
  • To influence Legislation, Regulation, and Guidance to ensure the interests of Dimobi and Families are recognised.

Our organisation aims to achieve 3 key strategic goals:


  • To gather evidence on challenges and obstacles faced by our families and identify ways of improving access to services
  • To improve the availability and sharing of information to parents
  • To work in partnership with other organisations, providing resources and opportunities for children, young people and young adults with learning disabilities and Autism

Our Core Values

  • Partnership: We are a respectful and collaborative partnership of family, friends, and professionals – working together as peers.
  • Support: We have impassioned volunteers sustaining a supportive community for all members, working with individuals and families to lessen suffering whenever possible.
  • Empowerment: We invite all of our members to contribute their unique talents and perspectives in individual and collective action. We also encourage those seeking support to participate in working with us to solve the challenges they face.
  • Innovation: We provide a platform to generate and implement innovative solutions that address the needs of our community.
  • Advocacy and Education: We foster dialogue to educate ourselves and the public about autism, disabilities in children, and to develop and share resources while promoting understanding of the condition.

What We Believe

We work closely  with families, for families. Everything we do is carried out in the hope of improving the lives of our familie. We achieve this by working directly with parents and carers. We are driven by what they tell us.

We are ambitious. We believe that families with disabled children deserve better. That’s why we won’t stop until we have achieved our mission. We are driven to fight and advocate for what is right.

We transform lives. We drive innovation and change wherever it will benefit families with disabled children. We always focus on the impact we are having. Through this, we support the change t the lives of our families.

We challenge disadvantage. We tackle inequality wherever it exists, and we help our families to deal with the barriers they face on a daily basis.

We trust, and are trusted. That’s because we always act in an open, transparent, and accountable manner. We work collaboratively to achieve more, and respect the strength and knowledge of others. 

Contact Dimobi today to volunteer your time to help our cause.